Kevin Mayhew

Really Good Songs for Junior Church (Words Edition) published by Mayhew


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Product Description / Contents

Here is a collection of 462 songs which children will love. The texts evoke images of wonder and hop and the music is tuneful and memorable, gentle and lively. Really Good Songs for Junior Church does what it says - provides an invaluable resource for anyone involved in children’s worship.

A butterfly, an Easter egg
A little ship was on the sea
A man there lived in Galilee
A new commandment
A still small voice
A stranger walked along the shore
A wiggly, waggly worm
Abba, Father, let me be
Ain't listenin' to no temptation
All night, all day
All of the people
All over the world
All that I am
All the flowers are waking
All the nations of the earth
All things bright and beautiful
Alleluia, Alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Amazing grace
And everyone beneath the vine and fig tree
And God said
Anytime, anywhere
Are you wired up
As I look around me
As the deer
Autumn days
Away in a manger
Be bold, be strong
Be holy
Be still and know that I am God
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Be strong and courageous
Be the centre of my life
Big and little you's and me's
Big man
Biggest isn't always best
Bind us together, Lord
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul
Boisterous, buzzing, barking things
Born in the night
Break out
Break the bread and pour the wine
Bring in the harvest
Brother, sister, let me serve you
C for the Christ Child
Cabbages and greens
Calm me, Lord
Calypso carol
Can you be sure
Can you count the stars
Candle in the window
Care for your world
Caribbean Lord's Prayer
Carpenter, carpenter, make me a tree
Caterpillar, caterpillar
Change my heart, 0 God
Christ be with me
Christmas calypso
Circle of friends
Clap, clap, clap Gloria
C-L-A-P, clap my hands
Close to you
Closing prayer
Colours of day
Colours of hope
Come and join in the song
Come and join the celebration
Come and praise the Lord our King
Come into his presence
Come on and celebrate
Come on and shine
Come on, let's celebratel
Come on, let's get up and go
Come, they told me
Count your blessings
Cross over the road
Dance and sing
Dance in your Spirit
Deeper, wider, higher
Ding dong, merrily on highl
Do not be afraid
Do what you know is right
Do you ever wish you could fly
Don't build your house on the sandy land
Each day different
Each of us is a living stone
Easter jubilation
Every bird, every tree
Every minute of every day
Every star shall sing a carol
Everyone's a Christmas baby
Everywhere around me
Faith as small as a mustard seed
Father God, I know you love me so
Father God, I wonder
Father God, we worship you
Father God, you love me
Father, I place into your hands
Father, we adore you
Father, we love you
Father, we want to thank you
Father welcomes all his children
Find a little seed
Fisherman Peter on the sea
Fishes of the ocean
5000 + hungry folk
Follow me
Follow my leader
For ever I will live my life by faith
For God so loved the world
For I'm building a people of power
For the fruits of his creation
For the measure of the treasure
Forward in faith
Freely, freely
Friend of sinners
Friends, all gather here in a circle
From heaven you came
From my knees to my nose
From the darkness came light
From the tiny ant
Girls and boys, leave your toys
Give me joy in my heart
Give me peace, 0 Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give us hope, Lord
Gives! Gives! Gives!
Glorify your name
Glory, glory in the highest
Glory to God
Go tell everyone
Go, tell it on the mountain
Go wandering in the sun
God Almighty set a rainbow
God be in my head
God forgave my sin
God has promised
God is faithful
God is good, God is great
God is love
God is so good
God is very great
God knows me
God loves me
God loves you
God made a boomerang
God made the colours
God, our Father, gave us life
God sends a rainbow
God turned darkness into light
God who made the earth
God, you can use me
God's love is deeper
God's not dead
God's people
God's Spirit is in my heart
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong
Gotta get out and scatter some seed
Halle, halle, halle
Hallelu, hallelu
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
Hands, hands, fingers, thumbs
Hark, the herald-angels sing
Harvest samba
Have we made our God too small?
Have you got an appetite?
Have you heard
Have you heard the raindrops
He gave me eyes so I could see
He has made me glad
He has risen
He Invites us to his banqueting table
He is Lord
He is the King
He made me
He made the eyes of the blind man see
Hee, haw! Hee, haw!
He'll be there
Here I am, Lord
Here we come to Bethlehem
He's alive!
He's got the whole world in his hand
Hey, now, everybody sing
Hi diddle de hi hi
Ho, ho, ho, hosanna
Holy Hokey
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
Hosanna to the Son of David
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
How great is our God
How great thou art
How lovely on the mountains
I am cold, I am ice
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I am H-A-P-P-Y
I am the bread of life
I believe in Jesus
I could sing of your love for ever
I could sing unending songs
I danced in the morning
I feel spring in the air today
I give my hands
I gotta home in gloryland
I have a friend
I have seen the golden sunshine
I listen, and I listen
I love the sun
I love to be with you
I may live in a great big city
I may speak
I once was frightened
I planted a seed
I reach up high
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I want to be a blooming tree
I want to be a tree that's bearing fruit
I want to be salt for Jesus
I watch the sunrise
I will always follow Jesus
I will bring to you
I will click my fingers
I will enter his gates
I will make you fishers of men
I will offer up my life
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing your praises
I will wave my hands
I wonder as I wander
If I go to the furthest place
if I were a butterfly
If I were an astronaut
If you're feeling sad and weary
I'm a pow pow powerpackl
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
I'm black, I'm white, I'm short, I'm tall
I'm going to paint
I'm gonna click
I'm putting God's armour on
I'm putting my hand in your hand
I'm singing your praise, Lord
I'm so small
I'm special
In everything that I do
In the bleak midwinter
In the morning early
In the upper room
In your name
Isn't it good
It takes an almighty hand
It was on a starry night
It's a beautiful day in springtime
It's a new day
It's me, it's me, its me
It's me, 0 Lord
It's rounded like an orange
I've got peace like a river
I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy
Jesus, be the centre
Jesus bids us shine
Jesus Christ is here
Jesus, friend of little children
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus had all kinds of friends
Jesus' hands were kind hands
Jesus is a friend of mine
Jesus is greater
Jesus is my friend
Jesus is our shepherd
Jesus is special
Jesus is the living way
Jesus is the rock
Jesus isn't dead any more
Jesus' love has got under our skin
Jesus' love is very wonderful
Jesus' love lights up the world
Jesus loves me
Jesus, name above ail names
Jesus never
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Jesus took a piece of bread
Jesus, touch me now
Jesus turned the water into wine
Jesus wants all of me
Jesus, we thank you
Jesus went away to the desert
Jesus went out of his way
Jesus will never, ever
Jesus, you are my King
Jesus, you love me
Jesus, your name is wonderful
Joy to the world!
Jubilate, every body
Judas and Mary
Just be glad
God made you 'you'
Just imagine
King of kings
Kum ba yah
Lead mv people to freedom
Led like a lamb
Let me tell you about a baby
Let the mountains dance and sing
Let there be love
Let there be peace on earth
Let your kingdom come
Life for the poor was hard and tough
Light up the fire
Listen, let your heart keep seeking
Little donkey
Live my life by faith
Living and learning
Living Lord
Living stones
Look for signs that summer's done
Lord, forgive us
Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, I lift your name on high
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of all power
Lord of the dance
Lord of the future
Lord of the harvest
Lord, the light of your love
Lord, we've come to worship you
Lord, you put a tongue in my mouth
Lord, you've promised through your Son
Love is like a circle
Love is something
Love will never come to an end
Lovely summer's day
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
Make me a channel of your peace
Make way, make way
Mary had a baby
May God bless our teachers
Milk-bottle tops and paper bags
Mister Noah built an ark
Monday, we'll have fun day
Morning has broken
Morning sun
My best friend
My God is so big '
My Jesus, my Saviour
My mouth was made for worship
Never let Jesus
Nobody's a nobody
Now the green blade rises
0 come, all ye faithful
0 come and join the dance
0 give thanks
0 little town of Bethlehem
0 Lord, all the world belongs to you
0 Lord, hear my prayer
0 Lord, my God
0 what a wonderful world!
0 when the saints go marching in
Oh, Lord, send us out
Oh! Oh! Oh! How good is the Lord
Once in royal David's city
One hundred and fifty-three!
One more step along the world
One mother hen
One, two, three, Jesus loves me
Open our eyes, Lord
Our Father
Our Father (Wiener)
Our God is a great big God
Our God is so great
Our God reigns
Out of our way!
Out to the great wide world we go
Over the earth is a mat of green
Over the mountains and the sea
Peace is flowing like a river
Peace, perfect peace
Pears and apples
Peruvian Gloria
Peter and John went to pray
Praise and thanksgiving
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God in his holy place
Praise him in the morning
Praise him on the trumpet
Praise him, praise him
Praise him, praise him, all his children
Praise the Lord in the rhythm of your music
Praise the name of Jesus
Prayer is like a telephone
Prayer phone
Push, little seed
Put your trust
Rejoice in the Lord always
Rich man Zac
Riding high
Riding high and low
Riding out across the desert
Right where we are
Rise and shine
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Said Judas to Mary
Salt for Jesus
Sandy land
Say 'hello' to summer see, amid the winter's snow
See him lying on a bed of straw
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Seven days a week
Shine, Jesus, shine
Shine out for Jesus
Shout to the Lord
Show me
Signs of new life
Silent night
Silver and gold
Sing a song
Sing a song about Christmas
Sing hosanna
Sing out an Easter song
Sing praise to God
Somebody greater
Song of blessing
Songs for every day
Speak, Lord
Spirit of God
Spirit of peace
Sprinq chicken spring in the air
Standing in the need of prayer
Step by step, on and on
Sun up in the morning
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
SWAT march
Take my life, and let it be
Teach me to dance
Teach me to trust you
Tell me who made all of creation
Thank you for the summer morning
Thank you, Lord
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The beatitudes
The bell of creation
The best gift
The children's band
The clock tells the story of time
The donkey's Christmas carol
The farmer comes to scatter the seed
The first Nowell
The fruit of the Spirit
The God of Abraham praise
The golden cockerel
The happy song
The holly and the ivy
The ink is black, the page is white
The journey of life
The King is among us
The King of love my shepherd is
The kingdom of heaven
The little drummer boy
The Lord is risen today!
The Lord's my shepherd
The school rule song
The seed song
The Servant King
The sheep song
The Spirit lives to set us free
The trees of the field
The vine and fig tree
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
The voice from the bush
The wiggly waggly song
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise may bring their learning
The world is full of smelly feet
There are hundreds of sparrows
There is a green hill
There is singing in the desert
There is so much to discover
There was one, there were two
There's a great big world out there
There's a rainbow in the sky
There's a seed
There's a star in the east
There's a time to laugh
Think big: an elephant
Think of a world without any flowers
Think of all the things we lose
This is an important matter
This is the day
This little light of mine
This thankful heart
Tick tock
Time for everything
To be with you
Travel on
Trust and obey
Turn back the clocks
Two little eyes
Under our skin
Unto us a child is born
Wake up!
Walk in the light
Water of life
We are climbing
We are here together
We are marching in the light of God
We are one family together
We can plough and dig the land
We don't believe the devil's lie
We eat the plants that grow from the seed
We have a gospel to proclaim
We have a King who rides a donkey
We plough the fields, and scatter
We thank God for the harvest
We three kings of Orient are
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We will praise
We wish you a merry Christmas
Well done!
We're a bright light together
We're the kids of the King
What a mighty God we serve
What kind of man was this
What noise shall we make
When a knight won his spurs
When God made the garden of creation
When I needed a neighbour
When I think about the cross
When Jesus walked in Galilee
When Jesus was my age
When the Spirit of the Lord
When the time is right
When the winter day is dying
When we walk with the Lord
When your Father made the world
Whether you're one
While shepherds watched
Who made the twinkling stars?
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who spoke words of wisdom and life?
Whoopah, waheyl
Who's the king of the jungle?
Wide, wide as the ocean
Wiggle your fingers
Wired up
With Jesus in the boat
Worship the King
Would you walk by on the other side
Wouldn't it be funny
Yesterday, today, for ever
You are the best
You are the King of glory
You came from heaven to earth
You can build a wall around you
You can drink it, swim in it
You lift your left arm high
You must do for others
You never put a light under a dirty old bucket
You ride on the wings of the wind
You shall go out with joy
You're alive
You've got to move
Zacchaeus was a very little man
Zip bam boo

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